2009年4月8日 星期三


嗯…… 記一下比較用得到的 option
-f/--fail Fail silently (no output at all) on HTTP errors
-g/--globoff Disable URL sequences and ranges using {} and []
--limit-rate <rate> Limit transfer speed to this rate
--max-filesize <bytes> Maximum file size to download
-o/--output <file> Write output to <file> instead of stdout
-#/--progress-bar Display transfer progress as a progress bar
-e/--referer Referer URL
-O/--remote-name Write output to a file named as the remote file
-R/--remote-time Set the remote file's time on the local output
-A/--user-agent <string> User-Agent to send to server

大概最常用的: curl -fRO <url>


1 則留言:

  1. 殺小a term originating from gaming culture, refers to skilled players who excel at defeating opponents, especially those considered weaker or less experienced. These players showcase impressive tactics, reflexes, and strategic thinking, earning admiration and respect from their peers. Whether you aspire to be a 殺小 or simply appreciate their skills, there's no denying the excitement and intensity they bring to the gaming world!
